A redefinition/expansion of the traditional role of the chaplain within a specific area of specialization i.e. … hospice, nursing home, VA, military, public safety…etc, is also being studied with the same need of our American society in mind. Existing chaplains within the EAC are being polled to solicit their thoughts on how this area of ministry can be broadened beyond the boundaries of their specialization without violating the Paulian concept of being all things to all people.
Where missionaries have a commission to do the work of the Gospel, chaplains usually work in an environment of diverse, and sometimes opposing, belief systems and are expected to be of service to all. They are expected to maintain a standard of tolerance without compromise, allowing their charges to be who they are with a supportive spirit, without the chaplains compromising their own personal faith. For this reason, chaplains are required to complete courses in Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) by most agencies and organizations that would have them employed in a spiritual support role. CPE consists of courses of introspective examination, helping the candidate decide whether they are seeking to be chaplains to satisfy an inner personal need to minister or if the focus is on the individuals being ministered to. There is a difference in being led by God’s Spirit to share His love with others or being led by one’s own desire to “be of use.”
Where missionaries have a commission to do the work of the Gospel, chaplains usually work in an environment of diverse, and sometimes opposing, belief systems and are expected to be of service to all. They are expected to maintain a standard of tolerance without compromise, allowing their charges to be who they are with a supportive spirit, without the chaplains compromising their own personal faith. For this reason, chaplains are required to complete courses in Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) by most agencies and organizations that would have them employed in a spiritual support role. CPE consists of courses of introspective examination, helping the candidate decide whether they are seeking to be chaplains to satisfy an inner personal need to minister or if the focus is on the individuals being ministered to. There is a difference in being led by God’s Spirit to share His love with others or being led by one’s own desire to “be of use.”
DoMaC serves as the EAC endorsing agency for Chaplaincy for the Armed Forces and any other agency that might require their chaplains to be endorsed. In addition, DoMaC will assist chaplains and potential chaplains to obtain required educational credentials (Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) …etc) to qualify them for chaplaincy positions.
We have been blessed by the willingness of Bishop Geoff Ames agreeing to be our Military Endorser. Bishop Geoff has seen several combat tours in the Middle East as a US Army, SSgt Chaplain's Assistant and presently resides in New Hampshire. Bishop Geoff can be reached at: Ames-AandR@outlook.net
We have been blessed by the willingness of Bishop Geoff Ames agreeing to be our Military Endorser. Bishop Geoff has seen several combat tours in the Middle East as a US Army, SSgt Chaplain's Assistant and presently resides in New Hampshire. Bishop Geoff can be reached at: Ames-AandR@outlook.net
Armed Forces